Now-a-days wee see that more number of crimes are taking place in our society. In that crimes most number of people even politicians, celebrities are effected by a technical crime that is "cyber crime". cyber crime, also known as internet crime, is a fast growing mode of crime since past decade. Cyber crime is nothing but hacking accounts like bank account, twitter account, Facebook account etc.
To prevent from these dangerous cyber crime, we should take safety steps
1) Use Strong passwords - Avoid having the same password for different accounts. Always use strong passwords that have a combination of alphabets,numbers and special characters.
2) Secure your laptops, mobile phone - Install an authentic anti-virus and anti-malware software on your computer and smartphone.
3) Protecting personal data - Use encryption for the personal files on your laptop or mobile.
4) Stop sharing passwords - one should not share passwords with strangers.
5) Update your system - Keep your operating system upto date critical security updates and patches.
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